The Outworking of Personal Problems
As they wandered through Avadigor, the Wondering Dragon found themselves at the base of the stairs that lead to the Mages Guild. After a brief moment of contemplation Smitty starts to stride up the stairs with the group in tow. With each step this strange feeling started to grow in Smitty's mind. As that feeling grew he noticed he was getting tired. Each step he took felt like taking hundreds. He looked at his companions and Maz was right next to him looking alright but Rasiu was no where to be found.
A brief look over his shoulder and he saw Rasiu sitting about a couple hundred feet up the stairs, huffing and panting, really trying to get his breath. And in the next few hundred feet, much to Smitty's disgust, he was going to have to stop. What brought even more disgust was that Maz walked even higher up the stairs then he. Maz didn't get right to the top but it was higher then Smitty and that was all that mattered. This was something Smitty should be about to do. He wasn't surprised by the others not making it, they aren't gifted the same way he was. This was where he expected to excel, to make it up the stairs at least!
As the group rested on the stairs to catch their breath, a couple of young female, what you would be expect to be students, started to make their way up. They continued to walk as they were with out batting an eye lid. They weren't out of breath. No effort to them at all. They just walked past these battle worn adventurers littering the stairs.
After the exchange with the students the group decided to made their way down. Maz at a leisurely stroll, Smitty stomping down the stairs in frustration, trying to use prestidigitation to draw male genitalia on the stairs as he went. As almost to mock him further the pictures cleared themselves as quick as he made them. Rasiu tried to fly of the stairs, only to be forced back onto the stairs at Smitty's feet by some sort of force spell, keeping any unlucky or foolish souls from falling off the stairs.
"Fool!" Smitty shot at Rasiu as he stormed past. Just as they got to the bottom of the stairs another student was making their own way to the stairs. This unfortunate soul was stopped by Smitty, and was told very harshly to bring Artin Helja to Unicorns Purse, followed by the Rasiu glaring at him and Maz adding "I'd do what he says if I was you." and the poor student left quaking in his boots.
On the way to the tavern Maz and Rasiu start to get a good look at Avandigor and it's inhabitants. They start to see many different kinds of people - halflings, gnomes, dwarves, humans & elves but there was one things that caught Maz's eye. Behind certain brown robed people walked these big stone golems. After seeing a couple walk by Maz tried to get a reaction out of the next one he saw. Drawing his battle axe, he swung and went to trip one. And one swing was all he needed, as this stone golem hit the ground. Unfortunately for the group nothing in this city was going the way they expected, as all the stone golem did was got up and walked away.
Smitty nearly kicked the tavern door in as they entered Unicorn's Purse, found seats, got drinks and waited for the Dwarven Cavalier to arrive. While enjoying their drink a town crier came in, shouted out the news while being accompanied by Rasiu's horn, much to annoyance of almost all the patrons in the Purse. Shortly afterwards Helja arrived and the group made their way to Professor's resident. On the way the group started to question Smitty about what actually happened here, and bit about his background. Smitty kept giving shaded answers at best. He did say he lived in a tower but it's no longer there, which puzzled Rasiu greatly. And before they knew it they were at the Professor's house. A lovely looking white house, a beautiful path leading to a pure white quartz wall and no door in sight.
The group turned to Smitty on how to get in because all they saw was a wall. Giving it a shot Smitty sent out a message spell in the general direction on the house saying "It's me, I'm back" and after a few long seconds he hears in his head "Oh blimey" and with a couple more long seconds with the group just staring at Smitty standing in silence not appearing to do anything. A faint glow started to move around on the white wall. Drawing out the shape of a door. After a few more moments later as the group watched this door appear out of nowhere, it opened itself, beckoning the group in. The room that waited for them appeared to be a somewhat make shift lounging area, with not a lot but a mixed mash of furniture, that strangely works perfectly together and in the far wall a stair case leading up into who knows where. As the door shut from up the stairs they start to see an older female human in a long dark green dress, with matching pointy hat, followed by a metal golem with intricate arcane runes running all over it. The Professor, making her way down the stairs.
As the Professor reached the bottom of the stairs she greeted the party in a grandmother like fashion. Introducing herself as Professor Navanae and taking great care to acknowledge each person there and calling each of them "my son" when responding to them. This was nothing special for Paul, Maz and Smitty, they were either used to terms of endearment or didn't care for them but this struck a bit of a cord in Rasiu and he took a great liking to her. As they all took their seats around the room, Rasiu decided to sit on the floor at Professor Navanae's feet.
Smitty then started to explain all that happened in Wallowdale and what lead up up to this point and Professor Navanae share all that happened to her since "the incident". She shares that it was her who sent Miss Helja to bring back Smitty to hopefully reverse what had happened. At this point the group turned to Smitty and asked what actually happened at "the incident". Smitty explained that he tried to perform a spell he didn't really know on Atticus at the his tower, resulting in mass mutation and Him and Atticus running away.
Smitty tires to read Helja Cavalier's Mind. Wild Magic goes off and three copies of him appear in the room. Navanae & Helja, exchange a brief battle of words. Resulting in the Cavalier storming out the house and the group questioning Smitty more about details on "the incident". Resulting in the knowledge that Atticus was/is a Gold Dragonborn. And it ends on the Professor saying "I think I know what you need to do next."