Serene Scales, Gauntlets of Inner Peace
These gauntlets were originally created by the joint efforts of Galingar and the most skilled elven artisans of Orillon, forged to embody the essence of tranquility and balance. They were first used during a time of great turmoil, when Galingar guided elven warriors to victory in a critical battle that protected Orillon from an aggressive Imperial force. Galingar knew that the conflict could not escalate beyond this initial skirmish and thus sought to counsel and soothe the Imperial commanders against further action - these gauntlets were instrumental in them hearing his words as those of counsellor, not an enemy. Follwing this, the gauntlets were passed down through generations of Orillon counsellors, though they were never used in battle again and thus have not achieved their true potential ever since.
The Serene Scales are crafted from polished silver and adorned with intricate patterns resembling flowing water and serene landscapes. The gauntlets emit a faint, calming aura, and when worn, they seem to meld seamlessly with the wearer's hands, becoming an extension of their own body.
Weapon (Gauntlets), legendary, (requires attunement by Galingar’s Inheritor)
- You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with the Serene Scales.
- While attuned to the Serene Scales, you have advantage on Persuasion Checks involving Dragonkin (Dragons, Dragonborn, Kobolds, etc.)
- Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to unleash a wave of tranquility. Each creature of your choice within 15 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or be charmed and unable to attack you until the start of your next turn.
- Once per short rest, you can use a reaction to redirect an attack rolls that hits you to target another creature within 30 feet. This creature must be a valid target of the attack (i.e. in range, etc.)
- Once per long rest, you can grant yourself advantage on a Persuasion Check as a free action