Amia Stives
Squire Stives is a member of The Order who is based in the estate of Cavalier Fortes and is a long serving member of the Scout Corps. He is a human of medium height and slender build, with short mousy blonde hair and a goatee to match. You would estimate him to be in his mid-thirties, and he appears to be quick to action, but careful with the actions he takes.
At present you know:
- He had reason to believe that the some members of the Order may be compromised
- There was a full report made available to the Guard Captain and as it would raise suspicion for him to request the report back, that would be the best source of proof
- He is keen to avoid panic on the street – things should be kept quiet to avoid this
- He was the green robed figure that struck at the Demi-wolf Guard Captain – he must be losing his touch if you saw him!
- He is suspicious of pretty much everyone except for you - you've been out of the general population so can't have been infected
- He's even worried that it may have effected the Cavalier as he dismissed his report, despite it containing worrying information.
- He was the one who applied the silvered oil to your weapons – though he imagines that it has worn off by now
- He has sent in secret for a Cavalier of the Order to attend to the town.
He has explained that he wants you to
- Retrieve the report so that he can review it himself and for evidence of the conspiracy
- Find a way of getting your weapons permanently silvered
- Find the Mercenary's HQ or base of operations
Having completed his objectives, you returned to him and he asked that you use the cover the Wallowdale Ball to infiltrate and deal with the Werewolf menace, preferably without public incident.
On spending time working through an underground den of the werewolf clan, you emerged into a passageway that led to a secret entrance into the ballroom itself. On confronting those few patrons who remained once you had burst through, you quickly escalated the situation and accused Cavalier Fortes of being a werewolf himself. On proving this was not the case, a suspicious member of the group jammed an unsilvered dagger into Squire Stive's back.
His demenour immediately changed on feeling the blade push against, but not pierce, his back. He knows that his secret is exposed.
After dealing with him as the revealed Werewolf Alpha, investigations were made into the Squire and it was discovered that he barely survived an attack by the Mercenary Commander of the Black Moon. He escaped long enough for the change to take over him, and he was horrified by what had happened. Wrestling with his own evil, he tried to do what he could, aiming to cull the Black Moon. Eventually, his plotting got away from him and, despite the Black Moon being wiped out, he too was discovered and killed by the Adventuring Party now known as the Wandering Dragon