Sleepy Wallow(dale)

Session 4

Waking in the chapel would have been an unpleasant experience in stiff backs and sore heads, were it not for the fact that you had spent the past few weeks in even worse conditions. After some morning preparations, you were greeted at the door by Ander and the maids, who had brought a breakfast porridge, along with a pot of honey – something you haven’t enjoyed for a while. While Atticus “successfully” wooed the maids, the rest of you settled in for this upgraded meal.

Ander explained that he has prepared temporary pardons for you that allow you to operate under the auspices of the Town Guard and aid in their enquiries. Not 100% sure why he would do this, you never the less accepted his writ while he explained his thoughts and plans. Firstly, he explained that, despite a pretty horrific injury to the eye for one of the guards they had escaped fairly well. Secondly, with the Guard Captain compromised, he couldn’t be sure that any of the others were the same and he asked for your aid in getting to the bottom of the goings on, along with news from outside of the stockades of what happened last night.

Taking you past the barricades, which are in the process of being broken down, Ander guides you outside of the stockades, explains that he will look into things further here while you investigate the town. He begins to ask you for some subtlety in doing this, but is interrupted by Smitty heckling a townsman with a cart trundling past. When asked whether anything had happened, the man smiled, asked if you were joking and explained that a bunch of wild animals had torn through the town in the night, damaging property and causing many injuries and even some deaths.

As Ander headed back into the Stockades, shaking his head and wondering what he had unleashed, the group followed one of his leads down to the Dragon’s Rest Tavern. Spending some time scoping out the place and entering separately, you noticed suspicious glances from some of the patrons. Ordering food and talking with the barkeep, a rushed woman called Anburh, you gathered that there had been some animals running amok in the town and a number of mercenary bands had been travelled through, heading west.

During these conversations, a female human took notice of the group, particularly Smitty and Atticus. Offering her own agreement about the mercenaries, she also began to question the two and wondering why she recognised them. When they tried to steer her away from their questions, she seemed to realise and was about to explain when Smitty deftly performed the Sleep spell on her. As her head thumped into the table (with enough force that she will likely have a headache) the barkeeper’s eyes went wide and she returned to her duties.

During all of this, Rasiu had garnered more stares than the rest of the you combined, particularly from the young bar hand. Massively overpaying for two tankards of ale seemed to remedy the young barman’s stares though, and Rasiu left the tavern without too much trouble.

The second tip from Ander had pointed the group in the direction of the Cavalier’s Estate, a ranking member of the Order. As the group made their way across to the estate, you passed a shop that you had been told about – Wallowdale Curiosities. Taking a closer look as you travelled past, some of the group heard the sound of sobbing coming from inside the ornately decorated building. However, you chose to move on for now, potentially visiting on your way back.

As you arrived, two Acolytes of the Order - who levelled their halberds and demanded to know why you had come - confronted you. Taking the initiative, you showed the guards Ander’s Writ, allowing to a moment to talk. Just as the guards were returning to their post and telling you that the Cavalier wasn’t to be disturbed, another member of the order appeared at the door.

This newcomer was clearly someone with authority, as the guards immediately accepted their orders as they guided you through the Cavalier’s entrance hall and into the working offices/rooms of the Order. It was only when you had made your way back to a specific room that the newcomer let out a sigh of relief and his demeanour changed.

Explaining that his name was Squire Stives, he had been operating under Cavalier Fortes in completing investigations around the local area. There had been rumours of attacks on the locals and he was to identify what the cause was and, if possible, remedy it. He gave the party some new information:

  • The Mercenary Group who had been spotted around was known as the Company of the Black Moon
  • He had reason to believe that the some members of the Order may be compromised
  • There was a full report made available to the Guard Captain and as it would raise suspicion for him to request the report back, that would be the best source of proof
  • He is keen to avoid panic on the street – things should be kept quiet to avoid this
  • He was the green robed figure that struck at the Demi-wolf Guard Captain – he must be losing his touch if you saw him!
  • He is suspicious of pretty much everyone except for you - you've been out of the general population so can't have been infected
  • He's even worried that it may have effected the Cavalier as he dismissed his report, despite it containing worrying information.
  • He was the one who applied the silvered oil to your weapons – though he imagines that it has worn off by now
  • He has sent in secret for a Cavalier of the Order to attend to the town 

He also explained that he wants you to:

  • Retrieve the report so that he can review it himself and for evidence of the conspiracy
  • Find a way of getting your weapons permanently silvered
  • Find the Mercenary's HQ or base of operations