Dawnbringer, Light's Embrace
This weapon is a legendary maul forged with the essence of Idrassil Goldenmane, an ancient gold dragon who has acted as a warden of Versania for around 1,000 years. Blessed by Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon and imbued with the essence of healing and divine protection, it was originally created during a time of great strife when the world faced a catastrophic threat, and the noble gold dragon sought to empower a champion to heal the wounded and defend against darkness equally effectively. Engraved along it’s haft are images of dragons in flight, their forms shimmering with divine power.
Dawnbringer is an unusual weapon in that it’s weight and shape are somewhat malleable owing to the unusual manner of it’s creation. In its standard form, it appears to be a standard sized warhammer but at the merest flick of thought, the bearer can reduce it’s weight, allowing it to be thrown, or lengthen the haft and increase the density of the weapon’s striking head, giving the weapon an appearance and manner closer to a maul. The hammerhead itself gleams with brilliant, celestial light that radiates warmth and healing energy. It’s current wielder has imbued it with an essence of mobility, allowing for them to instantly move in a stream of light to the hammer’s location when it is thrown.
Weapon (Warhammer), legendary, Versatile (2d6), (requires attunement by Idrassil’s Inheritor)
- You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with Light’s Embrace.
- You have resistance to radiant damage while wielding Dawnbringer.
- Attacks with Dawn’s Embrace have the Reach 20ft. property
- Whenever you attack with Dawnbringer at an opponent over 5ft. away, you may opt to move to the nearest free 5ft. space next to the target
- Whenever you hit with an attack by Dawn’s Embrace, you may opt to expend up to 10 of your Lay on Hands pool. When you do so, select a creature within 20ft. of you. This creature recovers HP equal to 1/2 of the expended Lay on Hands points.