Rasiu - Searching

You have been travelling all day, so that even your bones are weary. Mustering the energy required to crest each hill in the road is a struggle and in some ways you'd rather just find a soft place to curl up. Nevertheless, you continue onwards, travelling alone through the wilderness to try and discover your parent's fate. As ever, you are careful not to give too much up - you wouldn't want to scare any potential helpful people away and you know your appearance can be startling to those who haven't seen many of your kind. The prejudice stretches far and runs deep, especially in these more remote regions of the Empire.

Nevertheless you continue on, remembering your training - even the parts of it you don't fully understand as yet. Your search for information is taking you in the direction of Alryne - a city rumoured to have information on others of your kind that might progress your quest further. As you traveled along the roads, you decided to use some of your remaining coin to see if a local family would be willing to take you in, as your lonesome, wandering ways do grow tiring - not to mention, you could definitely do with a bath. Luckily enough, the next place to stay you came across was not too far down the road - a small farmhouse situated in the lowland forests. The couple and their children there were very welcoming and seemed happy to put you up, though did request that you sleep in the barn. Weary, you didn't argue too heavily, and bathed and ate before retiring to the barn, leaving some silver with the wife. 

During the night, however, you were quickly (and rudely!) awoken by the repeated blows of several staves. After a moment of this, you attempted to turn the blows of your attackers aside, but realised quickly that there simply were too many. Almost at once, you felt a sharp point against your side, as one of the mob held a dagger to you, warning you not to make any fast movements. Knowing that you couldn't overcome so many by yourself, you allowed them to walk you out of the barn. As you went past, you saw that your things had been turned over, but that the eldest son of the farmer was putting the items back into your backpack with a smirk.

"Damn fool has nothing of worth in here".

Throwing the backpack to you, you slide your arms into it, glad they hadn't realised the worth of some of the items on your person. Throughout the night, they marched you on, and after a few hours walking, you spotted the flickering of many lights in the distance. As you got closer, these resolved into a town, which you heard the mob talking of as Wallowdale. When you arrive slightly battered and bruised the guards look nervously at such a large gathering of young men. After some discussion (which you can barely hear) you are handed over to the guards who throw a thick sack over your head. They walk you through the town and eventually force you down into the bottom floor of a building, where you hear quiet voices talking about "the prisoners", "full cells" and "double them up". 

Soon, you're roughly searched, have all possible items of use (including your dragonscale necklace) and your head is freed from the sack, just before you are shoved bodily into a cell with a thickset and massively bearded dwarf, who looks as pleased to be there as you are.